We’re changing the shooting world
At BookitOne, we're revolutionizing the way shooting ranges operate by bringing modern, user-friendly technology into the heart of your business.
Our mission
At BookitOne, our mission is to empower shooting ranges with innovative, easy-to-use technology that simplifies management and elevates the customer experience. We are dedicated to helping range owners optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and grow their businesses. By offering a tailored, all-in-one solution that meets the unique needs of shooting ranges, we aim to create a seamless bridge between tradition and modern digital tools.
Our commitment is to provide continuous support, cutting-edge features, and a user-centric platform that transforms how shooting ranges operate in the digital age.
- On the market
- 3 years
- Served customers
- 15 000
- Supported shooting ranges
- 15
Trusted by the best shooting ranges
Our team
We’re a dynamic group of shooters who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients.
Michał Bolka
Co-Founder / CEO
Krzysztof Marczyński
Co-Founder / CTO